Police Chief Magazine On Line Giovanni Veliz, Antonio Flores, Rafaela Rodrigues, and Leslye E, Orloff, “Enhancing Police Services in Immigrant Communities: The Successful Use of T and U Visas in San Francisco and Minneapolis” Police Chief Online August 21, 2024.
Publisher: International Association of Chiefs of Police
[pdf] IACP the U and T Visa PowerPoint Presentation 6.17.21 (+)
This presentation discusses the U and T Visa as a tool to support victims, communities, and increase participation in the criminal justice system. It also reviews the benefits of this immigration relief for victims and the advantages law enforcement-based victim services programs can gain by using these tools.
[pdf] IACP – Support for Education and Awareness on U Visa Certifications and T Visa Declarations (+)
This document is the resolution “Support for Education and Awareness on U Visa Certifications and T Visa Declarations” which was adopted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in 2018.
[pdf] International Association of Chiefs of Police 2018 Resolutions (Nov 2018) (+)
This document includes the 2018 resolutions adopted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (November 2018).
[pdf] Overcoming Fear and Building Trust With Immigrant Communities and Crime Victims (Police Chief Magazine April 2018) (+)
This article in Police Chief Magazine discusses the benefits of U and T visa certification programs for law enforcement, reports results from a 2017 survey of law enforcement officers regarding their experiences of working with immigrant crime victims in 2016 and 2017 and based on the findings makes recommendations regarding adopting U visa and T visa certification practices and policies, language access plans, training law enforcement officers on U and T visa certification and receiving technical assistance from law enforcement officials who are national experts.
[pdf] Police Chiefs Guide to Immigration Issues (+)
This manual is designed for police leaders. This document provides police chiefs with an overview of the issues surrounding immigration, both legal and illegal, provides background information on the current resources available to law enforcement, and examines the concerns and obstacles that currently surround the debate over immigration enforcement by the state, tribal, and local law enforcement community.