This chart compares state-funded public benefits across states. The chart reports on state funded TANF, medical assistance, food stamps and driver’s licenses. This chart can be used together with NIWAP state by state benefits charts to look up the full legal citations that support immigrant crime victim eligibility in your state and neighboring states. To identify and compare the statutory and regulatory language used in any of the state statutes cited in this chart go to the NIWAP webpage that contains links to all state public benefits charts.
Topic: Driver's Licenses
Materials regarding immigrants and drivers licenses.
[pdf] HB23 _ Maryland 2021 _ Maryland Driver Privacy Act _ Full Bill & History (October 1, 2021) (+)
For information only. This Bill was Vetoed and never became law.
Maryland Driver’s License Privacy Act – bill governs obtaining and use of biometric information from a driver’s license and bars Maryland law enforcement and other officials from providing information to and cooperating in federal immigration enforcement. Would have gone into effect October 1, 2021.
[pdf] Hawaii Materials Benefits-Confidentiality Training (March 15, 2017) (+)
Materials list covering the following topics: Legal Rights Overview and Brochures; Access to Public Benefits and Services for Immigrant Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims; Child Care; Drivers’ Licenses; Education; Health Care; Shelter and Transitional Housing; Public and Assisted Housing; LIHEAP; Non-Work Social Security Numbers; Public Charge and Immigrant Victims; TANF; VAWA Confidentiality; Legal Services Representation of Immigrant Victims; and Immigrant Victim’s Immigration Options
[pdf] Acceptable Forms of Documentation and Identification for State Drivers License/Identification Card (September 5, 2014) (+)
This chart provides a state-by-state list of the various forms of acceptable documentation, including identification and immigration related documentation, required by states for issuance of state drivers licenses and identification cards.