Short card on immigration rights of victims of human trafficking.
Publisher: CPPS Immigration and the State Courts Initiative
[pdf] Working With Human Trafficking Victims in a Juvenile Case (+)
This card is aimed at helping juvenile court judges identify situations that may involve elements of human trafficking and determine what steps may be taken to assure that a juvenile in a dependency case or delinquency case who might be a victim of human trafficking is protected.
[pdf] Training Proposal- State courts and the Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children (November 20153) (+)
Learning objectives for this presentation are: understand the intersections between state court proceedings and immigration law, know how accurate immigration law information affects just and fair outcomes in state courts, recognize facts that indicate a party qualifies for legal immigration status and protection from/low priority for removal, be able to sign U visa certifications, and make findings in state court cases.
[pdf] Good Moral Character: Assessment Tool (October 15, 2013) (+)
This article is a Good Moral Character assessment tool. Federal immigration law provides that an immigrant must be of good moral character to be eligible for several forms of immigration relief including: VAWA self-petitioning, VAWA cancellation of removal, naturalization and cancellation of removal. This tool lists factors that if present in a case impede the immigrant’s ability to demonstrate good moral character.